Chester Life Drawing Home

Frequently Asked Questions

An illustration showing a character at life drawing, wearing a beret and drawing a model.

What is this life drawing thing all about? 

Life drawing is a form of art where artists draw the human figure from a live model. It allows artists to study the human form, understand anatomy, and improve their drawing skills. It's all about learning how to draw what you see, and having a blast while doing it!

What are your sessions like?

Chester Life Drawing runs untutored sessions with professional models and timed poses, so expect a calm atmosphere with a jazzy soundtrack.  It's a fantastic chance to meet other artists eager to create, and dive into the wonderful world of life drawing!

If you're interested in something a little more wild, we recommend Pictura Studios or Funktion Events - both offer life drawing hen parties for a crazy creative night with a difference!

Do I have to be a pro-artist to join in?

Nah, not at all! We're all about being inclusive here at Chester Life Drawing. Whether you're a Picasso-in-training or someone who draws stick figures (hey, we've all been there!), you're more than welcome to join the fun.

You also don't have to be a regular member! Feel free to just pop in for a session and see what it's all about :)

What should I bring?

Bring your favorite art supplies to work with! Pencils, charcoal, markers, chalk, ink, paints – and of course, some paper to draw on. The only thing we can't use is oil paints, as the ventilation isn't up to scratch. We also have paper, charcoal, and chalks available if you don't fancy lugging all your stuff over, or you'd like to try it out first before investing!

We have both standing easels and easel benches, so choose which one you'd prefer when booking your ticket and we'll do our best to make sure you get it.

If you're more of a digital art person, feel free to work on your iPad! All we ask is you cover the camera with some tape and card before we start, to protect our model's privacy.

How much is the class?

Our class is £10 per session and you can book online with Eventbrite. This fee goes towards paying your tutor and our wonderful models, as well as other costs like advertising, art supplies, and web hosting. 

Eventbrite does also charge a £1.55 booking fee per customer. It's super annoying - we don't get anything from it, and it sucks because we can't afford to cover that cost right now. Hopefully sometime in the future we'll be able to include that within our £10 fee, but right now this is added onto our ticket price. 

We have space for 20 artists, so be sure to grab your ticket quick before we sell out!

When should I arrive?

We start at 7:00 PM on the dot! If you come along for about 10 minutes before the session starts, that should give you enough time to set your supplies out and get in the zone. 

Doors close at 7:15, so don't be too late!

Where should I park?

The University of Chester Creative Campus has free on-site parking! There are some spaces up at the front, and loads at the bigger car park at the back, so you'll be able to grab a space no problem.

Can I take photos?

No paparazzi here! To respect our model's privacy, we have a "no photography" policy during life drawing. But hey, once you've got your masterpieces, snap away and share the love! If you're posting your artwork online, be sure to tag our Instagram and Facebook pages - we love seeing what you've made!

How long do these sessions last?

Our sessions last 2 hours with a little break in the middle – just enough time to let your inner artist shine! We mix it up with short and long poses, so you can try different styles and get into the creative flow. Feel free to join us at the pub for a drink afterwards too!

How old do I need to be to join?

We welcome artists aged 16+ to be part of our creative community here at Chester Life Drawing. We can absolutely make exceptions for younger artists that are serious about developing a life drawing practice, but they would need to be accompanied by an adult :)

Is this a taught class?

No, we would have to charge way more to run taught classes. To keep prices down, we let you develop your practice at your own pace. We just organise the space, model, and pose times - you do the rest!

Watch this space for a list of recommended books and videos on life drawing - coming soon! 👀

If you host taught life drawing classes in the North West and you'd like us to share a link on our site, just get in touch! We're always excited to support our fellow creative communities.

Do I have to show my work?

You can totally show off your artwork if you want to, but if you're more on the shy side, that's cool too. There's no judgment here! We have a break halfway through where you can ask for some feedback, and our session leaders will always ask your permission before taking a photo of your work. If you're sharing online afterwards, be sure to tag our Instagram and Facebook pages so we can take a look!

Who will be modeling?

We have an awesome roster of professional models who pose for us. If you'd like to model for us too, drop us an email - we're always on the lookout for more muses!

Will they be naked?!

Yes! Our sessions will have nude models so you can study anatomy, understand proportions, and get a solid foundation of the human figure. 

However, we'd love to try mixing it up in the future too! We have some plans to bring in clothed or even costumed models - think fun themed events like halloween. Watch this space! 👀

What should I wear?

Just dress comfortably, and you'll be good to go. Some artists like to channel their inner Bob Ross with a happy little beret – you do you! We definitely recommend comfy shoes if you plan on standing, and a hoodie or jumper you can take off or put on easily so you can regulate your temperature. We try to keep it cool but it does tend to get a bit warm - especially if you're at a standing easel, life drawing is a bit of a workout!

Can I bring snacks or a drink?

Of course! We have some bottled water available, but feel free to bring a drink and a snack. Just remember to throw all your rubbish away when you're done!

Do you do student discounts?

YES! As a thank you to the University of Chester for hosting us in their purpose built life drawing studio, we offer a 50% discount to all UoC students. Just use the code CLDSTUDENT at checkout, and bring your student pass when you come to draw with us :D

Is the venue accessible?

Yes! The Creative Campus is an accessible space, and Life Drawing is taught on the ground floor. We have disabled bathrooms and adjustable easels so let us know how we can help in any way :)

I’ve paid, but I can't come anymore, what should I do?

Life happens! Just give us a heads up as soon as you can, so we can open the space for someone else. If you've paid online, we can refund you after the session ends. Keep in mind, this refund doesn't include the admin fee for eventbrite!

I’d like to volunteer to run a taught session!

Wow, that's awesome! We love when our community gets involved. Shoot us a message with your idea, and let's talk about making it happen!

I have a question that wasn’t on the list…

No worries, we're all ears. Drop us a line with your question, and we'll get back to you with the answers you need. We're here to help!
Chester Life Drawing Home
Tuesday & Thursday evenings
7 till 9pm
Creative Campus
University of Chester
Copyright © 2024
Thursday evenings, 7 till 9pm
Ye Old Custom House Inn
Watergate St
Copyright © 2024
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